The Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal (PHM) is one of the Administrative Districts in the Western Region and is located at the south-western part of Ghana. It was carved out of the former Wassa West District in 2008 by Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 1840. The administrative capital of the District is Bogoso.

Location and Size

phma-regional-viewphma-district-viewPrestea Huni-Valley Municipal has a land area of approximately 1,376 square km and this constitutes about six percent (6%) of the land area of the region. It shares boundaries with Wassa Amenfi East and Wassa Amenfi Central districts in the North, Wassa Amenfi West district to the West, Elembele district to the South West, Tarkwa Nsuaem Municipality to the South, Mpohor and Wassa East Districts to the East and to the North East by Twifo- Ati Mokwa District in the Central Region.





Topography and Soils

The topography of the area is generally undulating with few scarps ranging between 150m to 300m above sea level. Soils in the District are deep and open and acidic in many places due to heavy leaching of bases from the top soil because of high rainfall, humidity and temperatures. The acidity of the soil reduces the availability of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Generally, the fertility levels are suitable for the cultivation of vegetables and major food crops like cassava, cocoyam, maize and yam. The soil also supports the growing of perennial crops like cola nuts, cocoa, rubber, oil palm and avocado among others. However, the soil does not support the cultivation of mangoes.


phma-geologyThe district falls within the forest dissected plateaus physiographic region, Precambrian rocks of Birimiam underlie the forest dissected plateau. The land rises from about 240m to about 300m above sea level. The Bririmian rocks are regarded as the most important formations due to its mineral potentials, hence the existence of Gold mining companies in the District. The map below shows the geology map of the District.





The district is in the Rain Forest Zone and therefore enjoys a wet equatorial climate. The rainy season is usually from March to July (major season) and from September to November (minor season). The highest amount of rain is experienced in March to July and October to February. The rains have an important effect on the environment creating large expanse of wetlands and marshy areas, deep trenches and. The Prestea Huni valley District is one of the Districts that experience the highest rainfall in the Country. It has a mean annual rainfall of 187.83mm.

Temperatures are high all year round with significant daily and seasonal variations. The annual average temperatures range between 260C and 300C in the major season. Humidity varies from 75%-80% in the wet season and 70%-80% in the dry season. Winds of low velocity generally blow over the area from the south during the day and evening and from the west in the night and early morning.


phma-drainageFew streams flow throughout the year in the District. A number of streams however, flow through depressions into the sea during the rainy season. These streams flow into some rivers in the District. Notable among them are the Ankobra (which flows through Ashanti Region into the Ankobra River of Ankobra Town-Prestea). Mansi (flows from Ashanti Region into Ehyireso River and Joins Ankobra). Peme (flows from Pemeso into Mansi). Opong (flows from Opong Valley into Ankobra). Huni (Flows from Huni Valley into Ankobra). These Rivers are fed by a number of little tributaries including Buri, Anoni, Suwin, which drains the area.


Major communities located along these rivers derive their names from them; e.g Bogoso, from Bogo river, Huniso/Huniano/Huni-Valley from river Huni, Ankobra at Prestea from Ankobra river, mansiso from mansi river among others. The rivers also serve as sources of water for fishing for some communities as well as alluvial mining.