A short ceremony was held on 9th June 2022 at the Municipal Chief Executive conference room of the Prestea Huni Valley Municipal Assembly to commemorate green Ghana day. Even though it was supposed to be celebrated on the 10th of June, the assembly had to celebrate it on the 9th due to measures beyond control. In attendance was the Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Isaac Dasmani Ph.D., the Coordinating Director Mr. Emmanuel Gyan, and Mr. Vicinte Appiah the District Managing Director of
the Forestry.

Addressing the occasion Hon Isaac Dasmani said the green Ghana day was an initiative by the government to plant trees to replace those that have been cut through degradation to save our ecosystem. He implored anyone who goes for the tree to plant to ensure they nature it till it matures as
failure to do so will render the effort of the government to be n vain. With this, he entreated the staff of Prestea Huni Valley Municipal Assembly to adopt one tree each and nature it till it matures.
Mr. Vicinte Appiah the District Managing Director of the Forestry Commission commenced by saying that green Ghana day was the government’s flagship program which started last year. He declared that
last year, they targeted 5 million trees and they ended up planting Seven million trees. This year, the said green ghana campaign has targeted twenty thousand trees. He emphasized that last year the district planted one hundred and thirteen thousand trees and it intends to plant One thousand and thirteen seedlings this year. Prestea Huni Valley Municipal alone will plant a little over Sixty thousand seedlings and Forty-four thousand seedlings have been distributed to various farmers and various cooperative organizations, he added. Accor, ding to him the trees are going to be planted in off reserved and unreserved areas. Mr. Appiah said some areas have been destroyed, hence they have collaborated with Ghana Cocoa Board to distribute trees like Asontem, Abotem,,, etc.