On 28th April, 2023, the municipal chief executive for Prestea Huni Valley climaxed the 13 days entrepreneurship training which took place at both Prestea and Bogoso ( Nyamonansa ICT lab) concurrently under his auspices.

He stipulated that, GIFEC (Government) in collaboration with ITU, CISCO, and other partners brought together over 2000 participants throughout the country to be trained in different courses (entrepreneurship, get connected, cybersecurity and internet of things).
Prestea Huni-Valley had two (2) centres (Bogoso and Prestea) to train 60 participants (30 each). The training was to equip different categories of people (women entrepreneurs, disabled persons, school dropouts, youth, students and head porters) in the basics of ICT and other courses which will help boost their efficiency and customer relations

Hon. Dasmani further advised participants to apply what they have learnt in their filled of study and thanked the IT facilitators for a successful training.
He later presented certificate of participation to all the participants.